Tuesday, December 26, 2006

So... Christmas Was Yesterday

Well, it's true, Christmas was yesterday. It didn't really take all that long for one year to pass. In fact, it feels like I just got done paying for last years Christmas presents before I was buying some for this year. That sucks.

Better news comes in the form of an email. Matt B. (from Summer Staff) sent me an email wondering how I was doing. I seem to be really bad at keeping up with people from Summer Staff or Work Crew. I might be able to keep in touch with some of my fellow 'Staffers' for a while, but we seem to just fall out of touch. To make things worse, it feels like it is my fault. Truth be told, I think it is both parities fault. I still wish it wouldn't happen.

Okay, I'm going to close this post because work starts soon and I need food.

-Brian out

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