Tuesday, December 26, 2006

So... Christmas Was Yesterday

Well, it's true, Christmas was yesterday. It didn't really take all that long for one year to pass. In fact, it feels like I just got done paying for last years Christmas presents before I was buying some for this year. That sucks.

Better news comes in the form of an email. Matt B. (from Summer Staff) sent me an email wondering how I was doing. I seem to be really bad at keeping up with people from Summer Staff or Work Crew. I might be able to keep in touch with some of my fellow 'Staffers' for a while, but we seem to just fall out of touch. To make things worse, it feels like it is my fault. Truth be told, I think it is both parities fault. I still wish it wouldn't happen.

Okay, I'm going to close this post because work starts soon and I need food.

-Brian out

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A king size crush on a pint size queen

So, the party was much smaller this year than last year. I don't really know why. I do know that I enjoyed myself.

Scotty B showed up, that really surprised me. He doesn't really do the 'Christmas' thing. I respect that. Anyway, that aside, he brought his Wii out and let us play a little. That thing is just incredible. I can't wait until I get one. Tallon was so impressed that he gave Scottie money to buy one for him. That is good news for me.

When I said that I was done with all my Christmas shopping, I lied. I had two things left to get, something for Brad and Jess, and something for Colleen. I took care of both. Now I'm done, I promise.

Now comes the wrapping.

-Brian out

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Words are unable to describe...

I just created a network in my home that shares an internet connection wirelessly. This means that I finally can get on the internet with my computer while at home.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Is it true?


I'm also done with school the semester.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Can I go now?

I think I have a new job. You have no idea how happy that makes me. I have grown to hate working for FedEx. My new job should be pretty cool, I would get to work with computers, Linux specifically. Anyway, I'm not spending a whole lot of time on my job situation.

Even more exciting than a new job is the prospect of directing a play at Boonsboro next semester. I had to act in one of the one act plays this semester, and that made me miss my one chance of directing so much that Bair might let me direct again. A full length play this time.

I need to move out.

I also need to finish my Christmas shopping.

-Brian out

Monday, December 04, 2006

Wow, I think I got distracted

It appears as though I have not updated my blog since I found out that I was able to see the one acts. As it turns out, not only am I able to see the one acts, I am in one of the one acts. It is kinda completed, but... well, not 'but'. I don't really feel like explaining it.

Even more important than than me acting in a play, I have an interview with Patton electronics. This could really be a big change in my life. A good change. One that would let me move out, get my own car and still go to school.

Oh, and as soon as I can afford one, I will be buying a Wii. I need a TV first though.

All I know is, there's a three legged dog looking at me

-Brian out