Tuesday, October 31, 2006

So. Many. Podcasts.

I think HCC updated their wifi. For as long as I can remember accessing the iTunes music store was impossible. It always timed out. Now I have surfed the store enough to subscribe to numerous podcasts. Right now I'm downloading 352 podcasts. Well, episodes at least. Most of them are really small so they don't take long to complete. 349. See, they don't take long at all.

I am almost finished with the steadycam I'm building for Drama. I also would like to build a boom mic for them, but that is much more expensive. Well, it is more expensive if I want to do it right. I do, of course, want to do it right. I'll ask if Drama could help with the cost, or even just pay for the steadycam. If not, then they might not get a boom mic. They are improvising some now, a broom handle and some duct tape. If it is getting the job done I can't really tell them not to do it. I improvised far more 'standard' things when I was in Drama. Heck, I remember editing a film by pointing a camera at a TV and recording the parts I wanted in the order I wanted. Now they just use fancy computers.

Wow, I think I just made myself old. Maybe I should have ended that story with '... and I walked to school uphill both ways in the snow...'

Truth be told, Drama just didn't have the budget for such things back then. They didn't start actually making money from shows until my junior year or so. My senior year we did get a computer to do editing and such. That particular aspect of the class has evolved to be something much more than and short film lesson and project. Now there is talk of a class dedicated to only film.

Sometimes I feel like I was in high school at the wrong time.

Hindsight is 20/20. If I look back on my life, there are is a very large number of things I should have done, or not done. I'm not alone on that either.

Oh, today just so happens to be Halloween. It doesn't mean anything for me, but at least I remembered.

I'm done typing now.

-Brian out

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