I think HCC updated their wifi. For as long as I can remember accessing the iTunes music store was impossible. It always timed out. Now I have surfed the store enough to subscribe to numerous podcasts. Right now I'm downloading 352 podcasts. Well, episodes at least. Most of them are really small so they don't take long to complete. 349. See, they don't take long at all.
I am almost finished with the steadycam I'm building for Drama. I also would like to build a boom mic for them, but that is much more expensive. Well, it is more expensive if I want to do it right. I do, of course, want to do it right. I'll ask if Drama could help with the cost, or even just pay for the steadycam. If not, then they might not get a boom mic. They are improvising some now, a broom handle and some duct tape. If it is getting the job done I can't really tell them not to do it. I improvised far more 'standard' things when I was in Drama. Heck, I remember editing a film by pointing a camera at a TV and recording the parts I wanted in the order I wanted. Now they just use fancy computers.
Wow, I think I just made myself old. Maybe I should have ended that story with '... and I walked to school uphill both ways in the snow...'
Truth be told, Drama just didn't have the budget for such things back then. They didn't start actually making money from shows until my junior year or so. My senior year we did get a computer to do editing and such. That particular aspect of the class has evolved to be something much more than and short film lesson and project. Now there is talk of a class dedicated to only film.
Sometimes I feel like I was in high school at the wrong time.
Hindsight is 20/20. If I look back on my life, there are is a very large number of things I should have done, or not done. I'm not alone on that either.
Oh, today just so happens to be Halloween. It doesn't mean anything for me, but at least I remembered.
I'm done typing now.
-Brian out
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
I really want a Helio
If money wasn't stopping me I would have a Helio by now. It is very much overkill, but those thinks are really cool. They will even work around here because they are CDMA phones, Heilo partnered with Sprint, and to a lesser extent, Verizon. Too bad I'm poor.
Okay, here is a quick story about my computer. When I came home last night I plugged in my computer so I could do some book keeping, listen to some music and maybe play a game. Okay, I really wanted to play a game. When I went to listen to some music I only got sound out of the right speakers. Now, I had my computer plugged into some external speakers, so I assumed that the problem was with that setup. I'm far to 'cool' to have computer speakers, I have a 600 watt power amp paired with some nice speakers. The sound quality is great. But I digress. I started to check every wire that connects my computer to the power amp and then from the power amp to the speakers. I couldn't find anything wrong. Then I checked my computer. The left channel of my headphones jack wasn't putting out any sound. The left built-in speaker didn't work either. I finally gave up and called Apple to try and fix the problem. They told me that I would have to send in my computer. I would have to give them my computer for almost a week.
That is only the beginning. I think I could live without my computer for a week. I wouldn't want to, but I could. The rough part is that he (the tech support guy) told me to back up everything because they might wipe my drive and reinstall OS X. I freaked. I don't have any way of backing up my hard disk because I have been saving for a host powered external hard drive. I was planning on just finding one that would work and suffer with it.
I then had an epiphany. What if I accidentally changed a setting on my computer. I gave it a shot. In fact I had changed the balance slider to be as far right as it would go. I felt dumb. I still feel dumb. I called Apple back and told them I wasn't sending in my computer after all.
That was my morning, it was not fun.
I'm tired, so I'll make this quick.
I want to host a podcast
I'm building Drama a steadycam
I wish I could still do those film projects
-Brian out
P.S.- I don't wish I was in high school again, I'm glad I'm out. I do miss parts of it though, Drama mostly. I think I may be able to become more involved in the future, that should be the best of both worlds.
Okay, here is a quick story about my computer. When I came home last night I plugged in my computer so I could do some book keeping, listen to some music and maybe play a game. Okay, I really wanted to play a game. When I went to listen to some music I only got sound out of the right speakers. Now, I had my computer plugged into some external speakers, so I assumed that the problem was with that setup. I'm far to 'cool' to have computer speakers, I have a 600 watt power amp paired with some nice speakers. The sound quality is great. But I digress. I started to check every wire that connects my computer to the power amp and then from the power amp to the speakers. I couldn't find anything wrong. Then I checked my computer. The left channel of my headphones jack wasn't putting out any sound. The left built-in speaker didn't work either. I finally gave up and called Apple to try and fix the problem. They told me that I would have to send in my computer. I would have to give them my computer for almost a week.
That is only the beginning. I think I could live without my computer for a week. I wouldn't want to, but I could. The rough part is that he (the tech support guy) told me to back up everything because they might wipe my drive and reinstall OS X. I freaked. I don't have any way of backing up my hard disk because I have been saving for a host powered external hard drive. I was planning on just finding one that would work and suffer with it.
I then had an epiphany. What if I accidentally changed a setting on my computer. I gave it a shot. In fact I had changed the balance slider to be as far right as it would go. I felt dumb. I still feel dumb. I called Apple back and told them I wasn't sending in my computer after all.
That was my morning, it was not fun.
I'm tired, so I'll make this quick.
I want to host a podcast
I'm building Drama a steadycam
I wish I could still do those film projects
-Brian out
P.S.- I don't wish I was in high school again, I'm glad I'm out. I do miss parts of it though, Drama mostly. I think I may be able to become more involved in the future, that should be the best of both worlds.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Who knew?
There are a bunch of paths in the woods behind HCC. I thought they would just be short things into clearing of some sort. Nope, they are really long. Numerous too, they kept on branching off.
How I found these paths is a completely different story. A beautiful story that I am not able to put into words on paper, or a website. Not because I don't want to tell the story but rather because I need to do so in person.
In an obvious attempt to change the subject, I will now talk about The O.C. Supertones.
I have loved the Supertones for quite some time. Yesterday, however, I got a new album from Tallon. Revenge Of The O.C. Supertones is by far the best one yet. It is also their newest one (I think). It is a shame that they broke up.
Thus endith postith the second...ith.
-Brian out
How I found these paths is a completely different story. A beautiful story that I am not able to put into words on paper, or a website. Not because I don't want to tell the story but rather because I need to do so in person.
In an obvious attempt to change the subject, I will now talk about The O.C. Supertones.
I have loved the Supertones for quite some time. Yesterday, however, I got a new album from Tallon. Revenge Of The O.C. Supertones is by far the best one yet. It is also their newest one (I think). It is a shame that they broke up.
Thus endith postith the second...ith.
-Brian out
Is it too late?
Today I managed to get up almost an hour late. I then missed my first class because I got up an hour late. That sucks.
I also forgot to write my rough draft for English. I can't even think of what to write about.
Maybe I could write about CCD and CMOS. They are both sensor types for digital cameras. I don't really know too much about them. Comparing CDMA and GSM cell phone networks is also possibable. I run into the problem of keeping it interesting for both of them.
This shouldn't be the hard part.
I'll make an outline for both and write the one that will be easier.
-Brian out
P.S.- nerve is really hard to find, anyone have some I can borrow?
I also forgot to write my rough draft for English. I can't even think of what to write about.
Maybe I could write about CCD and CMOS. They are both sensor types for digital cameras. I don't really know too much about them. Comparing CDMA and GSM cell phone networks is also possibable. I run into the problem of keeping it interesting for both of them.
This shouldn't be the hard part.
I'll make an outline for both and write the one that will be easier.
-Brian out
P.S.- nerve is really hard to find, anyone have some I can borrow?
Friday, October 20, 2006
Build a better breakfast
I don't really want to work two shifts today. I need the money though.
I could just skip, they would never know. Well, they would know, but they wouldn't care. As long as I'm there by seven, I'm good.
I also don't want to spend money on food. I don't really have a choice though. Actually, that is a lie. I could just not eat before work. Work would then suck more than usual.
Speaking of money, I got payed today. Direct deposit finally kicked in. I no longer have to rush out Saturday mornings to get money.
I'm tired, and soon to be late for work.
-Brian out
I could just skip, they would never know. Well, they would know, but they wouldn't care. As long as I'm there by seven, I'm good.
I also don't want to spend money on food. I don't really have a choice though. Actually, that is a lie. I could just not eat before work. Work would then suck more than usual.
Speaking of money, I got payed today. Direct deposit finally kicked in. I no longer have to rush out Saturday mornings to get money.
I'm tired, and soon to be late for work.
-Brian out
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
I am much less an idiot
Today I forgot that I had a paper to write for my English class. I did end up writing it, but I did so in class. I think I got lucky. I know I got lucky.
I also found out that tutoring is not going to cost anything. There is a pretty good chance that I won't get the 80% that I need, but I might come close enough to buy one last semester. On that note, I'm starting to look for apartments. I can't afford any of the ones I have seen. I need to figure this out though, if I don't then I will be homeless. I really don't want to be homeless.
To make matters worse, I still don't own a car. My parents said that I can buy the Corolla, but they won't give me an answer as to the cost. It's not that I just spring it on them either, I have asked several times over that last several months. That should be plenty of time to come up with a price for a car. I would just go buy one somewhere else, but I know this car and my parents will give me a far better deal than any other place in my price range. Plus, I can't afford cars from a dealership so I would have to buy a car from an individual person. That would add lots of unknowns.
Yesterday, when I tryed to call Nik! I learned that she now has a new phone number. Unfortunately I don't think I will get to talk to her anytime soon.
I just don't feel like typing anymore.
-Brian out
I also found out that tutoring is not going to cost anything. There is a pretty good chance that I won't get the 80% that I need, but I might come close enough to buy one last semester. On that note, I'm starting to look for apartments. I can't afford any of the ones I have seen. I need to figure this out though, if I don't then I will be homeless. I really don't want to be homeless.
To make matters worse, I still don't own a car. My parents said that I can buy the Corolla, but they won't give me an answer as to the cost. It's not that I just spring it on them either, I have asked several times over that last several months. That should be plenty of time to come up with a price for a car. I would just go buy one somewhere else, but I know this car and my parents will give me a far better deal than any other place in my price range. Plus, I can't afford cars from a dealership so I would have to buy a car from an individual person. That would add lots of unknowns.
Yesterday, when I tryed to call Nik! I learned that she now has a new phone number. Unfortunately I don't think I will get to talk to her anytime soon.
I just don't feel like typing anymore.
-Brian out
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
I like the rain
Well, because I'm dumb, this is the second time I'm writing this post.
I did have a nice long post about all kinds of stuff, but I'm not going to write all that again. I'll just give you the highlights.
My friend and I accidentally switched mice, then switched back.
I do have a picture of my remote system:

iPhoto needs to be sorted.
All that and now I really want some food.
-Brian out
P.S.- sorry about the really short one, I just don't feel like doing it all over again.
I did have a nice long post about all kinds of stuff, but I'm not going to write all that again. I'll just give you the highlights.
My friend and I accidentally switched mice, then switched back.
I do have a picture of my remote system:

iPhoto needs to be sorted.
All that and now I really want some food.
-Brian out
P.S.- sorry about the really short one, I just don't feel like doing it all over again.
Monday, October 16, 2006
I wish I was in a rock band
Today in English class, my space pen ran out of ink. I have had that thing for about three years and it just now ran out of ink. Fortunately I have a spare cartridge in my car.
Podcasting is really cool. I haven't been able to access the iTunes music store, thus no podcasts. The other day, however, I subscribed to a few while over at Tallons house.
I'm also toying with the idea of moving out of my house. If I got a full-time job at FedEx I could afford to. I really could afford to if Tallon and I shared an apartment. The problem is that I wouldn't really have much time for school. I might be able to take a few classes, but not full-time. It might be worth it though, I really have to get out of my house.
Finally, my remote hose for my paintball gun is not broken. It just takes twenty shots to empty the hose of co2.
I'm going to go call Nik! about her baby. I haven't talked to her since she had it.
-Brian out
Podcasting is really cool. I haven't been able to access the iTunes music store, thus no podcasts. The other day, however, I subscribed to a few while over at Tallons house.
I'm also toying with the idea of moving out of my house. If I got a full-time job at FedEx I could afford to. I really could afford to if Tallon and I shared an apartment. The problem is that I wouldn't really have much time for school. I might be able to take a few classes, but not full-time. It might be worth it though, I really have to get out of my house.
Finally, my remote hose for my paintball gun is not broken. It just takes twenty shots to empty the hose of co2.
I'm going to go call Nik! about her baby. I haven't talked to her since she had it.
-Brian out
Friday, October 13, 2006
Today I get to chaperone a field trip. I still think that sounds kinda weird. I just can't wait to go to Toby's again. It was great the first time I went.
I don't work today! I just thought I should add that.
Mobile blogging won't work. I don't know why. I think it may have something to do with switching to Blogger beta. If it is, there is a simple solution to the problem, otherwise I'll just have to deal until I can get it fixed.
-Brian out
I don't work today! I just thought I should add that.
Mobile blogging won't work. I don't know why. I think it may have something to do with switching to Blogger beta. If it is, there is a simple solution to the problem, otherwise I'll just have to deal until I can get it fixed.
-Brian out
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I think it's broken
I left my debit card in an ATM the other day. I didn't realize it until yesterday. Fortunately the bank got it first and called me about it. I still don't have it.
Oh, and I think my co2 hose doesn't work right. It is supposed to have an on/off knob, but it won't turn off. It isn't really a huge deal, but I wanted it to work right the first time. There is a chance that it does work, I'm just not letting enough co2 out. I hope that is the problem.
I think I'm done all I have to do here, I'm going to go get my debit card and then go to work.
-Brian out
Oh, and I think my co2 hose doesn't work right. It is supposed to have an on/off knob, but it won't turn off. It isn't really a huge deal, but I wanted it to work right the first time. There is a chance that it does work, I'm just not letting enough co2 out. I hope that is the problem.
I think I'm done all I have to do here, I'm going to go get my debit card and then go to work.
-Brian out
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Suddenly I see...
Yesterday I got my co2 hose and Halo in the mail. It is about freakin' time. I have been waiting for those things for a while. It would have been nice to have the co2 hose on Saturday, then I could have used it on Sunday. In the greater scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all. I still wanted it though. Also, I know I promised pictures of the whole remote system when I got it, but I haven't taken any pictures of it yet. As soon as I take pictures I will post them.
That being said, the system is really cool, I can't wait to use it on Sunday.
I know that I used to play Halo all the time, but that was on an XBox. Now I have to get used to the game on a computer. This is rather frustrating because I feel as though I should know what I'm doing, all the levels feel the same, actually the levels are the same. With time I'm sure I will get the hang of it.
Halo runs great on my Mac, this was my biggest fear.
Oh, and I'm still an idiot, and this probably won't change much next time either. If it does, you will be the first to know.
-Brian out
That being said, the system is really cool, I can't wait to use it on Sunday.
I know that I used to play Halo all the time, but that was on an XBox. Now I have to get used to the game on a computer. This is rather frustrating because I feel as though I should know what I'm doing, all the levels feel the same, actually the levels are the same. With time I'm sure I will get the hang of it.
Halo runs great on my Mac, this was my biggest fear.
Oh, and I'm still an idiot, and this probably won't change much next time either. If it does, you will be the first to know.
-Brian out
Monday, October 09, 2006
I am an idiot, trust me on this one
On Friday I had a photography paper due. I was planning on writing it the day before, but I got distracted and never got around to it. Then I tryed to write it that night, but it was really late so I didn't really get much done. As it stands I did in fact get the paper done. Done on time. I wrote most of it in class. I think the point I'm trying to make is that I'm freakin' awesome.
Tallon and I went to play paintball at a field yesterday. I didn't really think that it would be as much fun as it was. I was expecting it to be cool, I wasn't expecting it to be cool enough that I want to go back more often.
And then there is Toby's. That is this Friday. I don't even know what show they are doing, but I can't wait. Speaking of which, I need to call Mr. Bair.
I'm going to go take care of that.
-Brian out
Tallon and I went to play paintball at a field yesterday. I didn't really think that it would be as much fun as it was. I was expecting it to be cool, I wasn't expecting it to be cool enough that I want to go back more often.
And then there is Toby's. That is this Friday. I don't even know what show they are doing, but I can't wait. Speaking of which, I need to call Mr. Bair.
I'm going to go take care of that.
-Brian out
Saturday, October 07, 2006
I write my papers in class
I still haven't gotten my co2 hose. It has been mailed, but I don't have it yet. I was really hopping to use it tomorrow when I play paintball.
Halo is also in the mail.
I did get my keyboard though. Apple told me that I would have to wait several more weeks. I guess I lucked out in that one.
Okay, I'm really hungry and dinner is ready. I'm going to go eat.
-Brian out
Halo is also in the mail.
I did get my keyboard though. Apple told me that I would have to wait several more weeks. I guess I lucked out in that one.
Okay, I'm really hungry and dinner is ready. I'm going to go eat.
-Brian out
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Bad news
Blogger just informed me that their audiobloging service is no longer going to work. The few audio blog posts I have made will still be there, and will as long as I keep the blog, but I can't make more. This is disheartening. I think I will get over it.
It is still stupid.
It is still stupid.
Monday, October 02, 2006
I'm bored
I have stuff to do. Or at least stuff that I could do. I'm not really doing anything right now. I would like to watch the new episode of Red vs. Blue, but it is only for sponsors right now. I am far to cheap to be a sponsor. That paper for my photography class could be written, but it will wait. I just don't feel like doing it right now. It should be pretty easy.
I'm still waiting on four packages to come in the mail, or whatever carrier they shipped with. I was hoping to get at least one of them last week. Alas, no, they are making me wait. Halo is what I'm really waiting for. I can't wait to play that again. Plus there are a couple of new maps on the multiplayer, I'm really looking forward to that.
I'm also waiting on a remote coil hose for my paintball gun. Tallon also got one and it made his gun work much better. His response trigger now works very easily. It is now frighting to be on the business end of that thing. Fortunately I can shoot just as fast, I just have to work harder to do so.
I would love to have some coffee right now. I think the Grill has coffee.
-Brian out
I'm still waiting on four packages to come in the mail, or whatever carrier they shipped with. I was hoping to get at least one of them last week. Alas, no, they are making me wait. Halo is what I'm really waiting for. I can't wait to play that again. Plus there are a couple of new maps on the multiplayer, I'm really looking forward to that.
I'm also waiting on a remote coil hose for my paintball gun. Tallon also got one and it made his gun work much better. His response trigger now works very easily. It is now frighting to be on the business end of that thing. Fortunately I can shoot just as fast, I just have to work harder to do so.
I would love to have some coffee right now. I think the Grill has coffee.
-Brian out
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