Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The hard drive is 50!

Yup, 50 years ago today the first hard drive was completed. It was the size of two refrigerators and could hold a whopping five megabytes. How cool is that?

Okay, so if anyone does read this, they know that I keep a blog updated only with my cell phone. When I got a new phone the mobile updating thing just stopped. I couldn't figure out why. As it turns out I put a '.' where there should have been a '@'. Oh well.

I still haven't fixed my keyboard. I really hope Apple just tells me to mail it back and they will give me a new one. As much as I love my iBook, I hate always using the built-in keyboard. Now that I bought Warcraft (from Tallon) the problem is magnified. I don't think wanting to comfortably tell my orcs to attack is to much to ask. Maybe it is. I'll find out sometime soon though, I'm calling Apple on Thursday.

Okay, I have stuff to do.
-Brian out

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