Monday, April 24, 2006

I freakin' hate school

I have yet again screwed myself over with the school thing. I only ever attended one math class all semister (read- 0%) and now I think I'm failing my theatere class.


How can I fail a theatere class?

For about five years my life was theatere, now I'm failing it. Way to go me...

My life is kinda falling apart and I don't feel like there is anything I can do about it.
/end 'poor me' rant

In other much more exciting news, I should be getting my paintball gun in the mail soon and I might have some prospects with a girl. I'm expecting the paintball gun to be flippin' sweet, but trying not to expect too much from the girl, I really don't think I could take a let down like that right now.

Well, I guess this ends another post

1 comment:

Ryn said...

aw. someone needs a hug. >_<